Our Virtue of the Month for November is GRATITUDE.
Our Peacemakers of the month help us to maintain and strengthen our OLM community. During the month of November, students will pray to St. Joseph and work on the virtue of gratitude each and every day.
Gratitude is being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen in your life and taking the time to express appreciation and return kindness. Being grateful is more than saying thank you. When you express gratitude, it can actually lead to a stronger sense of well-being.
Gratitude is different from other caring emotions such as empathy and compassion because it’s learned. That’s good news, as there are many ways to teach it and model it for your kids. Taking the time to appreciate what you have is one of the keys to cultivating gratitude. Creating a “grateful environment” at home can help kids carry gratitude into the online world as well.
Our Lady of Mercy Regional Catholic School embraces the virtues of our faith and looks to the saints for inspiration and guidance.
Students will be recognized after the 9 AM school liturgy on Wednesday, December 8, 2021.
The virtue for December is perseverance. Students will be recognized after the 9 AM school Liturgy on Friday, January 7, 2022.